Farm Land Management

Over 1 Million hectares of arable land lies idle in the hands of the growing middle class who lack, time, capital or skills to pursue agriculture projects. 

Additionally, close to 3 Million hectares of arable land lies in the hands of poor farmers who lack skills, capital and markets for their produce despite their interest. To address this, Agreennovate Consultancy Ltd (ACL) has set up a farm land management service using a revenue share model with the land owners. 

1st Phase

ACL engages with buyers and/or processors, identifies supply gaps and signs forward agreements for the produce per season. We are open to sign long term supply agreements with produce buyers & processors willing to sign forward agreements.

We aim to convert at least 1 Million hectares of idle and underutilized land and water spaces into arable use over the next decade.

2nd Phase

Coming soon…

3rd Phase

Coming soon…

We employ the use of an innovative profit share model with land owners that possess big chunks of land. We sign farmland management agreements, invest in the land, cultivate the land and turn idle land into a profitable venture using climate smart agriculture practices